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  The last question select the "arms" to increase the powers of 10;Runescape Gold select the "art"

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Dark Councilor
Dark Councilor

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Join date : 2011-06-08

 The last question select the "arms" to increase the powers of 10;Runescape Gold select the "art"  Empty
PostSubject: The last question select the "arms" to increase the powers of 10;Runescape Gold select the "art"     The last question select the "arms" to increase the powers of 10;Runescape Gold select the "art"  EmptyWed Jun 08, 2011 12:38 am

The last question select the "arms" to increase the powers of 10;Runescape Gold select the "art"

will increase 30 points the most proficient martial arts; select the "technology" will not yet learned the skills of a; select "to" will increase 10 point of

perception. Introduction to the basic operating skills of the game and the combat system at the beginning of teaching, she has detailed instructions, so will

not repeat them here, and a brief look at internal strength and dodge. Internal strength rating determines your hand when the number of combat; internal

strength to 0 when five cards in hand, the number of hand per level plus one. Dodge rating when fighting for special licensing decision probability of dodge

for the time rate of 0 5% chance per level after an increase of 5%. Hunting can improve internal strength and dodge, treasure hunt can enhance internal

strength, herbs can enhance the dodge. Here are some of the skills. There are eight skills in the game: theft, Disguise, reconnaissance, hunting, treasure

hunting, Fuqin, business, medical treatment. Theft: theft of money from other people or objects. The probability of successful theft of dodge the decision by

both parties; theft failure will reduce the degree of prestige and goodwill, and turning the fight directly to: the failure of theft will not enter the

battle, there is not much use. Reconnaissance: "theft" and "turning the" failure, there is not much use. Hunting: hunting for 30 arrows (not the skills of

those who are 20); also some special events that may affect the trigger. Treasure Hunt: Treasure Hunt and herbs to double the success rate (this skill is

useful, in particular, the success rate of such herbs close to 100%, allowing you to shortage of money in the early Buzhi Yu); also trigger special events

that may affect . Fuqin: Let Fuqin game becomes easier because Fuqin can increase the understanding, so this skill can be considered useful. Business: One of

the most useful skill, allowing you to buy low sell high, with this skill can even make money buying and selling in the pawnshop. Health: One of the most

useful skills, fighting back the current HP every round of 5%. Wu Ming Raiders after listening to the beginning of the systematic introduction, you can freely

move. In the third and fifth day when someone will come to you were to eat and Huang Jing, very simple, appropriate compensation is not high, mainly to

familiarize yourself with the operation of hunting and herbs. Can get by Wu Ming Liu Xiaofeng, Yang Guo and ruthless protagonist card; start a new game after

the time the three of them can be selected as the protagonist. Therefore, we must first try and good relations with the three of them; and then follow the

steps below to get to their main character stuck! Lu Xiaofeng protagonist card: In the game to fifteen days to go, someone will find you go to the casino to

try his luck, this time must choose "yes", then win or lose will be a prerequisite to meet the Sikongzhaixing story. Sikongzhaixing in the casino to see the

trigger after the story to meet the conditions to obtain a card, the protagonist Liu Xiaofeng. Miss Sikongzhaixing how to do? It does not matter, you still

have a chance! In the game, when the third ten days (if you're on the road this time, then this event is bound to miss), there will be waiter Chang specialty

you want to find a "peach" to the Changan ... ... whatever that is, four times seven Kiwi XXVIII buy it back to him, that wood will be in the Wudang Taoist

reward to find someone to play chess. Wudang Taoist came to be found after the wood, he will find you life and death of solving a simple problem (the so-

called simple, which refers to the Go ... ... For most players, this game should be more difficult, and recommended to the archive.) After the acquisition

will unlock the "Tai Chi sword" (useful for the early martial arts), after the protagonist of cards to satisfy the conditions to obtain a Lu Xiaofeng. When a

good impression on you and Liu Xiaofeng, when exceeds a certain value, will first play a treasure hunt game, and some fighting with his bumbling, there is a

certain probability to get the protagonist stuck Lu Xiao Feng (empty-handed? Defeat? Not matter Can get the card is a random event, the result has nothing to

do with the ... ...); did not get the can not be discouraged,runescape moneythe event is triggered can be repeated

until you get the card until the
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The last question select the "arms" to increase the powers of 10;Runescape Gold select the "art"
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