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 YeFan left the bronze ancient lamp

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Dark Councilor
Dark Councilor

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Join date : 2011-03-17

YeFan left the bronze ancient lamp  Empty
PostSubject: YeFan left the bronze ancient lamp    YeFan left the bronze ancient lamp  EmptyTue May 31, 2011 1:20 am

Adidas Water Grip Men Others expression beside each are not identical, some people heart already uneasy cent, but didn't think someone will really begin, and select target is one of his YeFan. "You this keep not cooked the stinkeye hyenas and no conscience? If it weren't for YeFan save you, just now you have died in the outside!" PangBo more think more angry, he is temperament middleman, think it will not throw out other coalbed produced crackling, raise right hand is four or five big box on the ear. The rear a male classmate stepped forward, beyond the way: "everyone classmate, don't do this four load, PangBo fast let go!"
PangBo inclined his one eye, way: "you let me let go just let it go? Just don't you see he wanted to kill YeFan? And if not YeFan react fast, has already been launched altars, falling into colors storm, such vicious bastard still can pass?"
Nike Gladiator Sandals "Everybody from one place, and now, after all, have words to say should be together, first let him go." And a male classmate appealed to forward. PangBo see clear, this is just LiuYunZhi stand together with one of the moment, although they have separate, but both affirmation is the relationship with the dilemma. Moreover, he pulled the male classmate have also hand with them together, although no evidence that they are conspirator, but PangBo willy-nilly, decide and no matter whether the evidence, will each other to remember. "You say lighter, if someone wants to kill you, you still can calm? Or I put your altars try!" launch five-color PangBo more say more gas, "produced crackling and malicious smoked a few big box on the ear.
"Don't make human life, have words to say, first will him down, we discuss how to dispose of his next." A female classmate also openings right to have them, "took LiuYunZhi eye when light. And in the process, LiuYuanZhi has been very calm, neither came and counsel, also do not speak for comment, like unconcerned with them, on the sidelines situation.
All YeFan will the look in the eyes, see cannot lead LiuYunZhi head, then stopped PangBo, way: "let him go!"
"Yeah, first to let go."
Nike Gladiator MD Sandals "Yes, to let him go, no one who can dissolve, don't make too ugly." Have to persuade the two male classmate and the girls have a speak, at the same time others see YeFan oneself all openings, also follow persuasion. "Make too stiff... do you think that it has not more than the boundaries?" PangBo stare LiuYunZhi to that name and with a male classmate, way: "he almost killed YeFan, you incredibly still such as his vindication." But PangBo also did not continue to make, see YeFan hint, ultimately left my grip. But let no one has thought of, let PangBo YeFan without letting go, one hand clench each other's collar, almost directly into each other mention up, a few steps came to the edge of the altar 5color, seem to want to put this male classmate throw out. All a stay, who also didn't think YeFan will do so. At the same time, they are very surprised.
Nike Air ACG Sandals I can't help thinking of the strength of the hand YeFan spoke on in his shade school called barbarian's nickname. YeFan outlooking seemingly gentle and quiet, but is very strong, physical strength big breathtaking, like, a little chicks must pull as hand will that name male classmate carry to five-color altars edge. "Before this, I saved your life, why are you against me?" According to YeFan one-handed in his altars edge, can always pushed him down, and the hazy light cover not half feet. This name is cold, XinDan male classmate yelled: "don't push me, I LangXinGouFei, temporary possessed by don't know somehow, forgive me, I didn't dare to......" YeFanXiao smiled, revealing mouthful white teeth, appear very brilliant, way: "people no matter what are motivated, don't you think? I really don't see you be willing to roll on high days Nike Air Rejuven8 Sandals storm scene..." Then, his name a single hand hold this hard, that classmate push the altar toward five-color.
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